Senior Associate Ms. Lindsay Johnson recently represented a prospective insurance agent who had been summarily denied a license because of a felony conviction for assault. As we have discussed on the blog before, a “summary denial” is a denial that precludes the applicant from even having an administrative hearing on the issue of fitness for licensure. The answer from the Department was a flat “no” with no recourse.
Except, through Ms. Johnson’s diligent work, we filed a petition for reconsideration with the Department of Insurance, and the summary denial was set aside. The matter was ordered to be heard at an administrative proceeding. However, through negotiation and the presentation of quality evidence, our client was granted a restricted license without the need for hearing.
As with all our fine results, we have to make clear that no individual case outcome can help predict what will happen in your case. Every case is different, and this summary of excellent work does not constitute a warranty or a prediction of your case. If you have a problem with the Department of Insurance of any kind, you should seek qualified, experienced counsel. Legal advertisement.