In 2015, we reached the end of a long, arduous road to licensure for one of our clients who had been convicted of two felonies: the client had stolen a purse, participated in an armed robbery, and damaged a vehicle in a fit of road rage. However, these crimes were many years in the past
Department of Insurance Orders of Summary Denial or Summary Revocation
By Fredrick Ray on
Posted in Professional License Law
The California Department of Insurance wields arguably the most powerful licensing law in California, California Insurance Code section 1669. Section 1669, which applies to applicants but also to existing insurance broker licenses through a related statute, empowers the Commissioner to summarily deny or summarily revoke (without a hearing) an insurance broker license for a felony…
Licensee Options After a Lost Hearing
By Fredrick Ray on
Posted in Professional License Law
Unfortunately, a large percentage of individuals facing license discipline fail to hire an experienced license law attorney. The result is often that the disciplinary hearing is lost. While the loss of an administrative hearing is tragic, it is not the end of the case. The Administrative Procedure Act and California law give the licensee some…