In 2016, our firm represented a DMV-licensed salesperson who had been convicted of a felony for making a false insurance claim. With our help, he obtained a reduction of the felony and expugement of the resulting misdemeanor, but he had to defend his salesperson’s license from an Accusation by the DMV in administrative court. We
ABCs of BRE Broker Audits
By Fredrick Ray on
Posted in Professional License Law
The Bureau of Real Estate can dispatch an auditor to conduct an on-site audit of a broker’s operations. These audits typically focus on proper use of the broker’s trust account, but usually also include a full compliance check of the real estate broker’s operations. BRE audits are usually triggered by a complaint. A typical audit…
Probationary Vehicle Salesperson’s License Issued to Applicant Whose License Had Been Revoked by DMV for Theft From Car Dealership
By Fredrick Ray on
Posted in Case Results
In early 2015, we won an important victory for a car salesperson who had previously lost a DMV salesperson’s license for theft from a dealership. The probationary license enabled the salesperson to perform all the functions of any other salesperson, under the condition that the employing broker be notified of the conviction and the discipline. …