Our firm just received a decision from the fourth consecutive disciplinary case against a physician by the Medical Board of California. The physician was already on probation, and in two prior cases, the physician’s probation had been extended. The Board accused the physician of misconduct while on probation, and forced the physician to make statements because he was on probation. Since the standard of proof is much lower to discipline someone on probation – probation can be violated on a showing of only a preponderance of the evidence – the Medical Board of California filed a petition to revoke probation in addition to an accusation.
However, fortunately for the physician, an administrative law judge agreed with our arguments that the Medical Board of California did not meet its burden of proof and dismissed the disciplinary case. The physician’s license was saved.
This case result does not constitute a guaranty, warranty or prediction of the outcome of any other license discipline case. Every case is unique. For more information about how we can fight to save your license, call Ray & Bishop, PLC at 949-557-4888, or find more information at www.rayandbishop.com. Legal advertisement.