A licensed vocational nurse functioning as a supervisor of other LVNs in a care facility was accused by the facility of failing to report an incident of a patient falling in the facility. With our guidance, the nurse admitted to the DCA investigator that the fall had occurred and it had not been properly reported.
Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) Division of Investigation
The Department of Consumer Affairs, or DCA, is a California state government department that is the umbrella organization over almost all California state licensing agencies, from the Medical Board of California to the California Board of Accountancy. If a California licensing agency receives a complaint or notice of alleged unprofessional conduct alleged to…
DCA Investigations: Proceed With Caution
Being the target of a licensing investigation is one of the most surprising and stressful things that can happen to one of our professional clients. Investigations often immediately follow a workplace incident, often where a disgruntled employer sometimes reaches out to the Board directly. Or, a client may have a vindictive coworker or supervisor who …
Responding to an Investigative Subpoena or Request for a Release from a California Licensing Agency
The first contact that a California licensee may receive from a licensing board investigator is either a letter asking the licensee to sign a waiver form for the release of records, or receipt of a copy of an investigative subpoena to a third party seeking certain personal records. The request for a release or waiver…
The Department of Real Estate Has Become the Bureau of Real Estate
Effective July 1, 2013, a much anticipated change has occurred – the independent entity known as the Department of Real Estate has become a license agency within the Department of Consumer Affairs known as the Bureau of Real Estate. The purpose of this realignment is to save money as certain functions handled by the Bureau…